Recent work
2014SPIE.9150E..0GN (Neill et al.)
arXiv:1506.04839 (Xin et al.)
2014SPIE.9145E..16R (Roodman et al.)
Telescope and camera optics. LSST will use active optics informed by curvature wavefront sensing (CWFS) to maintain a nearly static and optimal optical PSF. Understanding the residual optical aberrations and associated uncertainties will be important for constructing the global PSF model. The CWFS system will also aid in reconstructing the PSF likelihood over the focal plane due to atmospheric distortions at positions other than the calibration stars.
Recent Work:
Overview of the LSST active optics system, Neill et al. (2014SPIE.9150E..0GN)
Curvature Wavefront Sensing for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, Xin et al. (arXiv:1506:04839)
Wavefront sensing and the active optics system of the dark energy camera, Roodman, Reil, Davis (2014SPIE.9145E..16R, arXiv # coming soon...)